हम छू लेंगे आसमान योजना, Mp Government Scheme
Mp Government launch a new scheme for student who passed 12th class or not clear in 12th class both are eligible for this scheme.
The government of mp works for skill development, It is said by mp govt. everybody should be a job provider.
We have to build a new state which are job provider not job seeker.
If you want to get more information about mp government schemes for skill development, can search in google or any other social media platform.
your can touch with www.educationportal.mp.gov.in
There are many schemes of social wale fare has been launched by mp government and Government of India.
If you want to get success in your life, set goals & targets to achieve.
We have to create new Ideas and Schemes.
How we reach on Sky ?
How can we touch with Sky ?
We have to work for our Ideas and get the opportunities.
We have to work for technical education, Skill development and Employment.